Meant for K 12. Animations help appreciate principles of oscillations.This app provides a preview of the oscillation App.These Physics apps are intend
Meant for K 12. Animations help appreciate principles of oscillations.
This app provides a preview of the oscillation App.
These Physics apps are intended to bridge the gap between the physics represented by an equation and the physical process itself.
Excessive dependence on the formulae to deal with a physical process can sometimes obscure the physics of the process.
By observing the change in the behavior of objects when some parameter governing their behavior changes, physics of the process can come home.
This app is a part of collection of apps on introductory physics.
The other physics apps can be found on the playstore at
Desktop java applets dealing with this content are avialable for free at this website (General Physics Java Applets)
Some of these applets have been reviewed on merlot. Please check the following link.